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For the little earthlings

From young to old, there are activities for everyone during the festival. Find out what there is to do for the youngest generation of earthlings.

Everyone is an earthling

Every day during the festival, there are activities for the newest generation of earthlings. Pick up a seek-and-do plate at the bakfiets at the entrance of ARTIS and go on an exploration of the park. Use all your senses and get in touch with all the earthlings at ARTIS. Or explore all the locations on the treasure hunt route and discover how we differ from hunter-gatherers. How do they interact with their environment. And how can we learn something from them.  

Or temporarily get off the beaten track and walk the barefoot trail. With the grass, sand and leaves under your feet, you will feel nature in a completely different way.  

Also take a look at the workshops in the Hollandse Tuin.

Where starting point entrance ARTIS
When from 15 June to 23 June
What time all day
Ticket Earthlings and Everything Earthlings