Why do smells evoke memories?
You are walking down the street and suddenly you smell something. A moment of vacation, your grandmother's kitchen or your ex's scent. Smells evoke emotions, but how does that work and why does our nose work this way? Open your senses and marvel during this short workshop.
Do our eyes see the same thing?
If you make everyone look at the same thing we still see different things. Why do you notice one thing and not the other? What is the difference between seeing, looking, perception and view? And how does our conscious or unconscious vision influence how we perceive the world? Open your eyes... Experience what your personal view does to your perception during this short workshop.
Who is my houseplant?
Plants are the pillars of our existence. Plants are used for everything, just think of the coffee you drink, the clothes you wear and the house you live in. We can't live without them, yet we often overlook plants. Why is that? In this workshop, museum staff emphasize the importance of plants. Can they entice you to give more appreciation to the greenery around us?
Who mourns whom?
As humans we grieve, but do animals do the same? During this meet-up we will explore whether grieving is only human.
Who do you connect with?
Connect with yourself or look another person in the eye and feel the connection with each other. With whom do you feel connected? What exactly makes you feel connected or not? And what does it take to connect with someone? During this short workshop we will use an experiment to explore what makes us feel connected.
Will we perish in our stuff?
Everyone has stuff. Throughout your life you collect things and drag them with you. Think heirlooms, children's teeth, jewelry, tools, household goods...What relationship do you have with your stuff? And what can we do to reduce the burden on the environment with our possessions? Find out during this theatrical workshop.