Ticket prices ARTIS
Discover ticket prices for ARTIS Zoo, ARTIS-Micropia and ARTIS-Groote Museum. Whether you visit one location or want to combine several. Find the right tickets here.
ARTIS Zoo is open daily from 9:00 to 18:00. The Planetarium is included with your ticket to the zoo.
- tickets
- online
- at the counter
- 13+ years
- €26,50
- €29,50
- 3 to 12 years old
- €22,50
- €25,50
- 0 t/m 2 years old
- free
- free
- students
- €13,25
- €14,75
- VriendenLoterij VIP Card
- -
- €23,60
- education
- €6,50
- €6,50
- Care card
- €5,-
- €5,-
ARTIS-Groote Museum is open daily from 10:00 to 17:00 and even until 22:00 on Thursdays.
- tickets
- prices
- 13+ years
- €17,50
- 0 to 12 years old
- free
- students
- €10,-
- Museumcard
- free
- VriendenLoterij VIP Card
- free
- CJP-card
- €8,75
- ICOM-card
- free
ARTIS-Micropia is open daily from 10:00 to 17:00.
- 13+ years
- €17,50
- 0 to 12 years
- free
- students
- €10,-
- Museumcard
- free
- VriendenLoterij VIP Card
- free
- CJP-card
- €8,75
- ICOM-card
- free
Add a visit to Micropia and/or the Groote Museum to your ticket for ARTIS Zoo.
- tickets
- 3 to 12 years
- 13+ years
- ARTIS Zoo + museum of choice (online)
- €22,50
- €32,50
- ARTIS Zoo + museum of choice (at the counter)
- €25,50
- €35,50
- ARTIS Zoo + two museums (online)
- €22,50
- €38,50
- ARTIS Zoo + two museums (at the counter)
- €25,50
- €41,50