What is ARTIS-Groote Museum?

When you visit ARTIS-Groote Museum, you embark on a personal expedition that starts by taking a closer look at your own body. Look into a mirror and discover just how many characteristics you share with plants, other animals and even microbes.

experience the connection between all life on earth

This biological, natural historic, interactive museum in Amsterdam will reveal to you a host of surprising connections. For example, your intestines perform the same functions as the roots of a tree, and when you learnt to crawl as a baby, you moved in precisely the same way as a crocodile. Similarities such as these change your perspective on yourself and the world around you. As it turns out, you appear to be connected to every other living thing, right down to the tiniest fibres in your body. And you are much more dependent on other life than you realised.

An interactive museum

Would you like to experience what connects us as humans with all other life on earth? This historic museum houses exhibits, installations, displays, artworks, films and stories that will hold up a mirror to you, confront you with questions and introduce you to new and different perspectives. You will discover answers and ask new questions that maintain and enhance your wonder at the beauty of the earth. Enjoy it with the entire family!

Discover the collection

Embark on an exploration that meanders through the heritage-listed museum, experiencing a variety of interactive installations as you go. Be guided by your senses and find out what humans have in common with animals, plants and microbes.

Interesting exhibitions

A digital experience, a moment of reflection and a thought-provoking experiment. Find out how much you resemble other life forms through the eyes of various artists.

On a voyage of dicovery

Audio tours

interactive installation

To help you absorb and appreciate the many topics and connections in the museum, actress Monic Hendrickx has developed three listening tours.


Connectors help you to discover the connections in the museum by means of a personal tour. They help you get a completely new perspective.


The Eye-catcher is a digital tour that makes use of an app to take you on a tour of all the areas in the museum and reveal the similarities between all forms of life in a unique way.

Join the workshops

During your visit, you can participate in short meet-ups (workshops) ranging from a game or a lecture to an experiment. You can participate in discussions, ask big questions and arrive at major insights together with others.

Smell meet-up

Visit a national monument

The Groote Museum was built between 1850 and 1855 for the members of the Natura Artis Magistra Zoological Society. The museum in Amsterdam, which closed in 1947, has since been completely renovated and restored. Now you can stroll across the same wooden floors as the Society members did so many years ago in the oldest museumhalls of Amsterdam.

Watercolour of ARTIS-Groote Museum from album of ARTIS founder G.F. Westerman by Willem Hekking ca.1863