Heart Round and round and round and round...
The Groote Museum is divided into zones. Discover here what there is to see and experience in the zone about the heart.
Your heart pumps your blood round. But also outside of you, a lot of things flow - money, traffic, the wave in a football stadium ... Natural cycles have no beginning and end, like water that evaporates, precipitates, and evaporates again. Or organisms that die, decompose and form the building materials for new life - plants germinate from rotting carcasses. Life cannot exist without cycles. Not a building block, not a drop is lost.
Discover this zone
Blooming death
With Methamorphosis, artist Ambel Veel shows how life after death can create new life: a continuous circle.
Plant vessels
Just like animals, plants also have vessels to transport nutrients. These vessels are often difficult to see, but not on the large prints you can find in the zone.
Do we beat the same?
The hearts of humans, chimpanzees and gorillas are so similar that medical specialists from the Amsterdam OLVG hospital treat the great apes of ARTIS. In the industrialized world, cardiovascular diseases are the number one cause of death for these animals, just like for humans. Their counterparts in the wild live shorter lives, due to infections and fights. Would you recognize which species this heart belongs to?
Get them juices flowing
Trees pump groundwater up to their leaves, so that it can evaporate and fall back to earth. Just like your heart pumps your blood around. The installation Idemunda, 2021, by visual artist Thijs Biersteker, uses sensors to show how much sap the tree outside on the Artisplein is pumping up. Place your hand on the human sensor and see how much blood you are pumping around. You have more in common with a tree than you may have expected.