Live: From Milky Way to Micropia

show also in English
  • ARTIS-Planetarium

In this new liveshow at the ARTIS Planetarium, you will experience the impact of the tiniest of earthlings on our entire planet.

pyrocystis noctiluca

Go on a journey through space, from the farthest star to Micropia.

The influence of microbes

Microbes might be invisible to the naked eye, but their influence on our planet can be seen from lightyears away. Their unique properties make our planet habitable: they produce the oxygen we breathe, and which protects us from harmful radiation. The more we learn, the more it becomes clear our lives are closely intertwined with those of microbes.

Er zijn elke dag voorstellingen in de grote koepel van het ARTIS-Planetarium. Beleef een ruimte-avontuur met Artis de Partis, bekijk de aarde vanuit de ruimte, ga op de verste reis van je leven de Melkweg ver voorbij en ontdek hoe al het leven op aarde met elkaar en de kosmos is verbonden.

Dome ARTIS Planetarium with space