Elephant bull introduced to herd at ARTIS Zoo

News ARTIS Zoo
  • 27 March 2024

After initial trunk contact on arrival through the gate, the bull was soon surrounded by the curious herd upon introduction.

Two elephants in their enclosure

An adult elephant bull was introduced to the herd of Asian elephants at ARTIS Zoo today.

Only the young 3-year-old male still walked in a wide arc around his adult counterpart. The hope is that he will take care of the youngest cow, aged 7, for her first offspring. The 20-year-old bull is from Eindhoven Zoo, formerly known as Dierenrijk. The exchange within the Netherlands came about thanks to a recommendation from the coordinator of the European species conservation programme (EEP) of the Asian elephant. Blijdorp Zoo is the coordinator of the studbook.

'We went to Eindhoven Zoo earlier with some animal keepers to walk with the fellow keepers. He was loved there for his social and calm nature, and that also typified his introduction today to the herd here. Yesterday, the youngest cow had her eye mainly on her plaything and a little less on the new man. But they are already looking for each other a bit more. He will stay with the herd for the time ahead,' says Peter Bleesing, team leader of animal care.   

Family ties

A herd lives in ARTIS Zoo with the oldest cow, the matriarch, leading the group. Together with her offspring aged 18, 7 and almost 4, she forms a close-knit family group. Strong family bonds and raising young play an important role in the social welfare of elephant cows. Bulls, on the other hand, join a herd only when there is a chance to mate.

The youngest in the herd is also a male. He still drinks occasionally with his mother, but is becoming slightly more independent. The arrival of the adult male is also a social enrichment for him, as young bulls are often included in a male group under the care of older bulls.

Twist and turn

In elephants, the act of reproduction requires a lot of effort from the bull. Weighing at least 5,000 kilos, it stands on its hind legs and leans on the cow with its front legs to mate. Young bulls practise their balance from an early age by jumping on each other. The bull has to twist itself a bit for successful fertilisation. Bulls have an S-shaped vulva whose opening is not under the tail, but near the belly. If the bull does not know how to aim properly, fertilisation is out of the question. On average, an adult cow is once every 16 weeks in her cycle. So a successful mating may take some time.

Elephant bull introduced to elephant herd

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