Posters for the Planet
Making the difference between good intentions and actual change? That takes a powerful poster. Check out the winning posters at the museum.
A meaningful contribution
Posters for the Planet is a design contest in which everyone could participate until Sept. 1 and forms the basis of a media campaign about the climate. That campaign is needed because while 80 percent of the Dutch are concerned about rising temperatures and declining biodiversity, they find it difficult to figure out how to turn that concern into a meaningful contribution to a better environment.
Why would you use use a poster?
A poster can do something that words and opinions cannot: tie together the complexity of cause and effect into one strong design. A poster with a strong call to action that will soon be seen all over the country in a traveling exhibition along museums and in a media campaign on the streets and in unexpected places in the community.
An expert panel
The winners of the posters will be selected by the five-member expert jury consisting of behavioral scientist Reint Jan Renes; Urgenda Foundation director Marjan Minnesma; Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam curator Thomas Castro; cartoonist Jip van der Toorn and Turing Foundation Climate director Lian Heinhuis.
View all submitted posters and read more on the website.
Posters for the Planet is an initiative by Turing Foundation.